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    Smash Camp 2016

    Winters Thief Zero
    Winters Thief Zero

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    Smash Camp 2016 Empty Smash Camp 2016

    Post by Winters Thief Zero Wed Jun 22, 2016 1:17 am

    Hey everyone! In the midst of our forthcoming anniversary events we have planned, there's actually one more event TNFS will be participating in along with multiple other forums with a similar theme. Smash Camp is an annual online event with activities including flash games, artistic challenges, scavenger hunts, and more. Basically you'll be sorted into different "cabins" (teams) and compete in these challenges with both members from TNFS and members from other forums.

    Anybody on here that would like to can join! I'd definitely like to encourage you guys to do so, and I know at least a few of you will based on how many have joined our own events in the past. To join all you need to do is register here and on Friday there will be a thread available where you can choose to actually join Smash Camp for the year and be sorted into a cabin. The actual event will take place the week of June 27th. (anniversary week woo)

    Note that this is not a TNFS created event and will not be held on TNFS itself, and is unrelated to our other activities and events we have going on for the 4th anniversary.

    Last edited by Zero Revolution on Sat Mar 11, 2017 7:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Lady Queen
    Lady Queen

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    Smash Camp 2016 Empty Re: Smash Camp 2016

    Post by queenzelda Wed Jun 22, 2016 6:22 pm

    I'd par-take but I'm usually too busy to participate over the weekend to really be a part of this. I hope who all decides to join in has fun thou. :3
    Global Moderator
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    Smash Camp 2016 Empty Re: Smash Camp 2016

    Post by Gameguy1996 Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:18 pm

    I guess this will be fun to try and from what I can see there will be a good number of players split into 4 teams.
    Baby Yoshi
    Baby Yoshi

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    Smash Camp 2016 Empty Re: Smash Camp 2016

    Post by Bossvelt Fri Jun 24, 2016 3:54 am

    Smash Camp 2016 NNYNZCO

    Hello everyone, it's that time year again! It's Smash Camp 2016!

    What is Smash Camp?
    Smash Camp invites many different forum communities to come together and compete against each other in various events. Everyone who joins is separated into one of four cabins, but it is not divided up by where you come from! You will likely end up in a cabin with your fellow members here, but your cabin will also have people from other forum sites as well. It's an awesome way to have fun with your friends while meeting new people in the process! Participating in events earns your cabin points and the winners of each event will win their cabins extra points. At the end of camp, the totals will be finalized and the cabin with the most total points wins.

    What kinds of events will there be?
    The events that take place vary greatly, so even if you're not good at one thing, you'll have a chance to shine at another. There could be anything from flash games, to scavenger hunts, to artistic events, writing events, or even events involving popular competitive games such as Pokémon Showdown, Super Smash Bros, or Overwatch! You aren't required to participate in every event, but most events will be accessible to everyone. Not only is Smash Camp fun with a wide variety of events, but there are prizes such as cash and Steam games to be won from certain events!

    When does it start? / How do I join?
    You'll want to follow this link to sign up: (does not let me post link so just follow the one from the original post)
    Quick note: Because this is off site, the rules don't exactly match up with ours. Standard forum etiquette / common sense applies on Smash Camp, but offensive language may be used at times, and there are no automatic censors to catch swear words. Please keep this in mind before joining since the rules on Smash Camp do not necessarily line up with those here.

    You can sign up right now, but you won't be able to get sorted into a cabin until tonight at 10 PM EST.

    The camp schedule is as follows:

    June 24 - June 26
    This is when pre-camp takes place. During pre-camp, you will be sorted into a cabin and get acquainted with your teammates and counselor!

    June 27 - July 1st
    Starting on June 27, Smash Camp begins! Every day from June 27th to July 1st, new events will be posted, and results from the previous day will be revealed!

    What if I don't have a lot of time to participate?
    This is a very common concern that comes up around Smash Camp. I've seen plenty of people miss out on the fun because they have other things going on and don't want to join to not have much time to participate.

    While it's true you usually earn your cabin points just from participating, the Smash Camp leaders realize people are busy and are are trying to balance more on availability more this year. When you post to get sorted into a cabin, you'll be asked about your availability. Please be honest when answering so that, hopefully, cabins can be relatively balanced when it comes to availability this year.

    But some events only take a few minutes to do and submit. So as long as you can spare a few minutes to earn some points for the day, you're absolutely welcome to join!

    Final thoughts

    If you have any questions or concerns regarding Smash Camp, you can send an email here: support (remove space between t and @)

    For quick questions, also feel free to post below.

    Thanks everyone! Hope to see you there!

    King Atem
    King Atem

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    Smash Camp 2016 Empty Re: Smash Camp 2016

    Post by King Atem Fri Jun 24, 2016 4:31 pm

    Yea, looks like fun but the last time I did one of these I was kicked out because I wasn't active at exactly the time I was supposed to. I have a life to live & tbh I don't think the staff really cares & would rather just make sure those who are most active get enough posting in to declare their winner & then kick out those who aren't. I mean no disrespect cause I know the staff who are hosting the Smash Camp worth beans, but I'm not interested in the least. I also noticed how your missing any female admin staff, so it's a total sausage fest over there. XD

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