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    Global Moderator
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     Spoilers  Empty Spoilers

    Post by Gameguy1996 Mon Nov 14, 2016 11:07 pm

    While Gamefreak has reveled most of the new Pokemon in Sun and Moon they have been really quite on the plot. Please use this topic to share anything about the games story or other things that have not been reveled by Gamefreak yet.
    Lady Queen
    Lady Queen

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     Spoilers  Empty Re: Spoilers

    Post by queenzelda Wed Nov 23, 2016 5:32 pm

    In the game your able to get a Pager that you can use to call Pokemon with, & not all of the pokemon were revealed. So for this post, I'm going to talk about how I've since unlocked past the Tauros shown. I've unlocked: Stoutland, Lapris, & Charizard. What I don't like is if I'm on a Lapris & come across some rocks I know I can smash but can't due to the Lapris not being able to take them out. -_-

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